
Status update – Dec 22nd 2013

Sorry for the delay everyone. I was hoping to have the first episode up last Tuesday night, but had some technical issues. When I tried to upload the finished mp3 file, I found out the upload limit was set to 8MB. I was in contact with technical support for my hosting provider, and they have been helpful, but there has been a delay between support emails. I am in progress of changing hosting plans, and will get the first episode up as soon as possible.

I currently have one episode waiting to be uploaded, and I recorded the second one on Friday, and will be editing that over the next few evenings.

Please keep checking back for further updates, and you can also follow @fngeekery, which is the official Twitter account for this site/podcast.

I will be filing this under things to remember if I start another podcast in the future, or if anyone else asks about what it takes to get a podcast going. đŸ˜‰

Thank you for you patience.

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